Sigil Wen@sigil
Sigil Wen

Founder 路

EB-1A Green Card

San Francisco, CA

  • Giving hoodies to extraordinary aliens and investing in the top O.1% of talent
  • Opted out of M&T @ UPenn to build in silicon valley
  • Built Airchat with Naval
  • Actively angel investing ($25k-$100k) in exceptional technology founders through Spearhead


Spawned in Scarborough, Canada to immigrant parents. Mom worked in a glove factory, while Dad moved tires and delivered pizzas. After passing the English exam, the University of Toronto accepted my Mom on scholarship and she brought me to all classes. My dad was also accepted, though they realized it was a mistake but still let him in.

Age 6

I was shy growing up and had a hard time speaking as my family didn't speak much English. I escaped to drawing, YouTube, and countless hours in front of the public library computer.

Age 13

Passed the 4-hour entrance exam to get into the TOPS program, the most prestigious Science and Mathematics program in Canada. Having the TOPS brand saved me, as with the brand I went from an unknown immigrant kid to Ivy League bound.

Age 17

Got into the M&T program at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most selective undergraduate programs in the world. My parents said they were proud of me for the first time. I later disappointed them by turning down the offer to full send building technology companies.

Age 19

Launched serendipity, got 250 paying users within 14 days, and did a fireside chat with @Patrick and John Collison in front of thousands of Stripe employees.

Age 19

Invited by @Naval to join Spearhead, becoming its youngest member.

Age 19

Shut down serendipity to join @Naval on AirChat. Recruit majority of engineering team from MIT, Waterloo, AirBnB, Twitter, Apple. Acquired by Jupiter, the largest exchange of Solana.

Age 20

After 8 months of waiting, O-1A approved. Moved to San Francisco 馃寔

Age 20

Created the O-1 visa video, becomes the #1 result on google for o-1 visa seen by hundreds of thousands of people.

Age 21

Registered 馃殌

Fun Facts
  • Known for learning AP Calculus in 5 days on YouTube
Visa Supported By
Naval Ravikant
Naval RavikantAngel Investor